Insurance & Payments
Your dental insurance is a form of compensation provided by your employer. You can expect your insurance company to pay a portion of our fee. That portion is determined by the contract between your employer and the insurance company. The better the plan your employer has purchased, the more the compensation will be. Although we do not have contractual arrangements with insurance companies (meaning we are not a “Preferred Provider” or on “their list”), we do want to help you receive the maximum payment to which you are entitled. Most insurance companies allow you to go “Out of Network” and receive dental benefits from “Out of Network” providers.
At the time of service, we will do our best to estimate the portion your insurance company will cover. Keep in mind this is only an estimate, and ultimately, knowing your exact insurance coverage is your responsibility. As a convenience to you, we will process your insurance claims in order for you to receive the maximum benefit. We will also gladly provide dental x-rays and a written diagnostic report should your insurance company have any questions about the services provided.
We firmly believe that our role is to inform you of the best care for you, regardless of what your insurance company covers. Insurance companies often put limits on the type of treatments and the amount of benefit you receive. Many times these restrictions may not include the best treatments for you. Be assured we will always discuss the options with you and assist you in maximizing your insurance benefits.